domenica 7 ottobre 2012

L'otite - Otitis

Unfortunately, as often happens, even our dogs can be affected by otitis. And Zelda obviously could not to miss this too...

Otitis in dogs is divided into outer, middle and inner. Fortunately, outer otitis is the most common and also the most easily treatable, but if left untreated, it becomes middle otitis and later on, inner otitis.

The causes can be many:
  • External bodies (such as the spikelets and seeds that become entangled in the hair and make their way into the ear canal)
  • Bacteria and fungi (normally present in the ear of the dog, if they proliferate too much, give rise to very painful ear infections)
  • Pests (common in puppies and dogs that live outside)
  • Allergic reactions to foods or environment (it is not uncommon that a dog with an allergic dermatitis gets even an otitis... Zelda, what do you think about that?)
  • Leishmaniasis (causes otitis similar to the allergic one)

There are dogs naturally predisposed to otitis, such as:
  • Dogs with pendulous ears, that "close" the ear canal and leave the right climate for bacteria to proliferate (Cocker, Cavalier King, Basset Hound,...)
  • Dogs with food or environmental dermatitis
  • Dogs that often moisten their ears (that is why it is important to be very careful during baths!)
  • Predisposed breeds (Poodle, Labrador, ...)

Thanks to a careful observation of your dog, it isn't difficult to identify an ear infection. There are universal behaviors that all dogs take to make us understand that they are feeling pain at that point. 
Zelda has been so good to make me understand, that the veterinary classified her problem as a "principle of otitis." Better than that, could not go.
  • The dog is often scratching with intensity his ears, causing also lacerations because of the nails
  • The dog often shakes his head
  • The dog holds his head cocked to one side (the side of the ear that hurts the most)
  • The dog shows pain when you touch his ears
  • The dog's ears give off an unpleasant odor and the wax inside is of an unusual color
  • In the case of erect ears, if the pain is very strong, the dog will tend to lower them

If it is fairly easy to identify an ear infection in progress, it is not as easy to identify the cause, and only the vet will be able to tell you what to do, thanks to some specific tests.
Meanwhile, there are some medicines with a broad spectrum that may try to arrange things awaiting the results of the veterinarian.

Of course, after this wonderful experience, we will pay more attention to the prevention of otitis by following a few simple tips:
  • Make a daily cleaning of the outdoor pavilion of the dog (in markets there are specific drops)
  • Remove the hairs that grow inside the dog's ears
  • Do not wet dog's ears
  • Do not take the dog blows air (such as do travel by car with his head out the window!)
  • Try to cure food allergies or environmental (I know this isn't simple!)

Now, the most difficult thing to do will be holding your dog while you try to clean his ears!

giovedì 4 ottobre 2012

Come sopravvivere ad un'allergia al tuo cane - How to survive to an allergy to your dog

Increasingly, I hear chilling stories of dogs abandoned or taken to the pound due to sudden allergies of their owners. Needless to say, if you love your dog, you will always find a solution. In any case, here is some simple advice to make this coexistence a bit more relaxed.

First, the allergy to cats or dogs is given by the skin and not the hair. The skin, as happens with ours, flakes off and disperses in the air when the dog scratches or rubs on coatings. There are breeds of dog whose skin is more elastic and others less, but in spite of everything, a lot of people can confirm you that YOU CAN SURVIVE! Here's how:
  • From a few years, there is a sublingual vaccine that should desensitize your body to allergies. You must refer to an allergist before taking it.
  • The classical antihistamines are the most widely used, but also in this case it is necessary to contact an allergist.
  • Clean the floors every day with a good hoover and disinfect floors and furniture (in pet stores you can find the appropriate detergents for floors).
  • Don't let your dog (or cat) get into your bedroom.
  • Try, where possible, not to let the dog jump on the couch and cover all the pillows with tightly woven sheets or special hypoallergenic pillowcases.
  • Prefer leather or eco-leather sofas than tissued ones.
  • Remove carpets and curtains (maybe apply the glass curtains, lighter and easier to clean).
  • Frequently wash bedding, clothes, curtains and other tissues.
  • Prefer feather pillows to synthetic ones.
  • Wash bowls and toys (apart from the dishes) after each use.
  • Brush the dog outside every day (maybe several times a day).
  • Use air purifiers (in pharmacy are located at 30/40 euros).