lunedì 24 dicembre 2012


Yes, now I'm in love with my kitchen!
The problem is that the only things I prepare are desserts: cookies, cakes, muffins, ...
Could I forget about Zelda? Of course not!
Here's my latest invention.
Enjoy your meal!

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 3 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 grated apple
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon sesame
  • 1 can of tuna well rinsed under running water
  • In a bowl, mix honey, flour, cinnamon and sesame
  • Add water, apple, egg yolk and mix very well
  • Pour into muffin cups and bake for 30/35 minutes at 180°C

lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Just like her biped mom, also Zelda loves snow!

Proprio come la sua mamma bipede, anche Zelda adora la neve!

Accessorize - Fairisle Pet Jumper

Accessorize - Fairisle Pet Jumper

Camon - First Steps Sweater

Camon - First Steps Sweater

sabato 15 dicembre 2012

Pet Passport - Passaporto per animali da compagnia

Why do I need a passport for my pet?
From 1 October 2004, any pet (dog, cat, ferret, rabbit, ...) that must go beyond his own country, while remaining within the European Union, is FORCED to get a passport.
The passport is necessary to guard against health risks (EC Regulation n.998/2003).

How do I get a passport for my pet?
In Italy, getting a pet passport is quite easy. First, you must immediately consult your vet to vaccinate your dog against rabies (I recommend you to check out at least one month before, all the deadlines of the country of destination). The vaccine should always be carried out at least 21 days before your departure and in some countries no more than 6 months.
After that, you must take an appointment at the local health Veterinary council (Asl). Remember to ask if you can pay the passport with the credit card / ATM or if you need to pay by postal order.
It is essential to bring with you:

  • The animal for which you need a passport
  • The certificate of registration
  • The tax code of the animal's owner
  • The health record of the animal
The vet will check that the animal is regularly vaccinated and that at least 21 days have elapsed since the last vaccination against rabies. After that, He will check that the animal has the microchip or tattoo and that the informations in your possession correspond with those reported in the registry office.
At this point, you will be issued a passport.

What is the cost of a pet passport?
The passport costs less than 15 Euros (payable by postal order or cards).

domenica 7 ottobre 2012

L'otite - Otitis

Unfortunately, as often happens, even our dogs can be affected by otitis. And Zelda obviously could not to miss this too...

Otitis in dogs is divided into outer, middle and inner. Fortunately, outer otitis is the most common and also the most easily treatable, but if left untreated, it becomes middle otitis and later on, inner otitis.

The causes can be many:
  • External bodies (such as the spikelets and seeds that become entangled in the hair and make their way into the ear canal)
  • Bacteria and fungi (normally present in the ear of the dog, if they proliferate too much, give rise to very painful ear infections)
  • Pests (common in puppies and dogs that live outside)
  • Allergic reactions to foods or environment (it is not uncommon that a dog with an allergic dermatitis gets even an otitis... Zelda, what do you think about that?)
  • Leishmaniasis (causes otitis similar to the allergic one)

There are dogs naturally predisposed to otitis, such as:
  • Dogs with pendulous ears, that "close" the ear canal and leave the right climate for bacteria to proliferate (Cocker, Cavalier King, Basset Hound,...)
  • Dogs with food or environmental dermatitis
  • Dogs that often moisten their ears (that is why it is important to be very careful during baths!)
  • Predisposed breeds (Poodle, Labrador, ...)

Thanks to a careful observation of your dog, it isn't difficult to identify an ear infection. There are universal behaviors that all dogs take to make us understand that they are feeling pain at that point. 
Zelda has been so good to make me understand, that the veterinary classified her problem as a "principle of otitis." Better than that, could not go.
  • The dog is often scratching with intensity his ears, causing also lacerations because of the nails
  • The dog often shakes his head
  • The dog holds his head cocked to one side (the side of the ear that hurts the most)
  • The dog shows pain when you touch his ears
  • The dog's ears give off an unpleasant odor and the wax inside is of an unusual color
  • In the case of erect ears, if the pain is very strong, the dog will tend to lower them

If it is fairly easy to identify an ear infection in progress, it is not as easy to identify the cause, and only the vet will be able to tell you what to do, thanks to some specific tests.
Meanwhile, there are some medicines with a broad spectrum that may try to arrange things awaiting the results of the veterinarian.

Of course, after this wonderful experience, we will pay more attention to the prevention of otitis by following a few simple tips:
  • Make a daily cleaning of the outdoor pavilion of the dog (in markets there are specific drops)
  • Remove the hairs that grow inside the dog's ears
  • Do not wet dog's ears
  • Do not take the dog blows air (such as do travel by car with his head out the window!)
  • Try to cure food allergies or environmental (I know this isn't simple!)

Now, the most difficult thing to do will be holding your dog while you try to clean his ears!

giovedì 4 ottobre 2012

Come sopravvivere ad un'allergia al tuo cane - How to survive to an allergy to your dog

Increasingly, I hear chilling stories of dogs abandoned or taken to the pound due to sudden allergies of their owners. Needless to say, if you love your dog, you will always find a solution. In any case, here is some simple advice to make this coexistence a bit more relaxed.

First, the allergy to cats or dogs is given by the skin and not the hair. The skin, as happens with ours, flakes off and disperses in the air when the dog scratches or rubs on coatings. There are breeds of dog whose skin is more elastic and others less, but in spite of everything, a lot of people can confirm you that YOU CAN SURVIVE! Here's how:
  • From a few years, there is a sublingual vaccine that should desensitize your body to allergies. You must refer to an allergist before taking it.
  • The classical antihistamines are the most widely used, but also in this case it is necessary to contact an allergist.
  • Clean the floors every day with a good hoover and disinfect floors and furniture (in pet stores you can find the appropriate detergents for floors).
  • Don't let your dog (or cat) get into your bedroom.
  • Try, where possible, not to let the dog jump on the couch and cover all the pillows with tightly woven sheets or special hypoallergenic pillowcases.
  • Prefer leather or eco-leather sofas than tissued ones.
  • Remove carpets and curtains (maybe apply the glass curtains, lighter and easier to clean).
  • Frequently wash bedding, clothes, curtains and other tissues.
  • Prefer feather pillows to synthetic ones.
  • Wash bowls and toys (apart from the dishes) after each use.
  • Brush the dog outside every day (maybe several times a day).
  • Use air purifiers (in pharmacy are located at 30/40 euros).

giovedì 27 settembre 2012

Weekend Donna & My Urban Pet

From 9 to 11 November, at Fiera Milano Rho (Weekend Donna) this year will also feature "My Urban Pet". The event, designed by Italia Crea, will be dedicated to the woman. It will range from the creation of cakes, dance, DIY to the animal world.
The event is designed to entertain all the family members (don't worry husbands and boyfriends, there will be exciting activities for you too!) but it will be particularly focused on women's passions, including our beloved furry friends!
Thus, one stands on, there will be the chance for us to get advice from experts and browse through the various accessories available:
  • grooming
  • education
  • supply
  • health
  • accessories

In addition, a series of very interesting events will be organized, such as "Pets in comics."
We will be there, what about you?

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Dal 9 all'11 novembre, presso Rho Fiera Milano, all'interno dell'evento Weekend Donna, da quest'anno sarà presente anche "My Urban Pet". La manifestazione, ideata da Italia Crea, sarà interamente dedicata all'universo femminile. Si spazierà dalla creazione di torte alla danza, dal bricolage  al mondo animale. 
L'evento sarà volto ad intrattenere tutti i membri della famiglia (tranquilli mariti e fidanzati, ci saranno attività interessanti anche per voi!) ma sarà particolarmente incentrato sulle passioni femminili, tra cui i nostri cari amici pelosi!
Così, tra stand dedicati, ci sarà la possibilità per noi di ricevere consigli da esperti e curiosare tra i vari accessori proposti:
  • toelettatura
  • educazione
  • alimentazione
  • salute
  • accessori
Inoltre, verranno organizzati una serie di eventi molto interessanti, come per esempio "Gli animali nei fumetti".
Noi ci saremo, e tu?

sabato 22 settembre 2012

Pet Shopping

Fortunately, I've never been a shopping addicted, I have never forced my boyfriend to spend whole Saturdays glued to the windows of the shops and I often go to the mall just for the air conditioning.

Since Zelda arrived however, my habits have definitely changed. I'm always looking for new gifts for her, new products to try, new harnesses, new toys. Things that are not absolutely necessary and which contribute only to make Zelda a dog even more spoiled than she already is.

But the fact is that we have to remove certain satisfactions, haven't we?
Here are some of the most delicious things I've found on the web.

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Fortunatamente, non sono mai stata una shopping addicted, non ho mai obbligato il mio fidanzato a passare interi sabati incollati alle vetrine dei negozi e spesso vado al centro commerciale solo per l'aria condizionata.

Da quando è arrivata Zelda però, la musica è decisamente cambiata. Sono sempre alla ricerca di nuovi regali da farle, di nuovi prodotti da provare, di nuove pettorine, di nuovi giocattoli. Cose che non sono assolutamente indispensabili e che contribuiscono solo a rendere Zelda un cane ancora più viziato di quanto già non sia.

Il fatto però è che certe soddisfazioni ce le dovremo pur togliere, o no?
Ecco alcune delle cose più sfiziose che ho trovato nel web:

martedì 18 settembre 2012

L'ora del bagnetto - Bath time


Every time I think about washing the dog, I think of the classic movie scenes in which it is the human to take a nice shower and the bathroom is devastated.
At least in this, I am very lucky: Zelda LOVES water and she lets me wash her willingly. If you are not as lucky as me, here are some simple tips that I hope will make this process a little 'less problematic' for you.
The skin of the dog is not like ours, so it would be best not to overdo it with too frequent washing! Two or three bathrooms per year should be sufficient!

First, it is essential to have at your fingertips everything you will need to make your four-legged friend clean and fragrant:
  • Brushes or combs
  • Shampoo or natural Marseille soap (absolutely DON'T use your shampoo!)
  • Various products specific to dogs you intend to use before or after washing
  • Sponge
  • Towels
  • Hairdryer
  • Tasty morsels

Before proceeding, I suggest you to carefully brush your animal, so that during rinsing, he will not lose too many hairs (remember that it is normal for the dog to lose a little hair, even if not in season).
You have to decide where you want to wash your dog, whether inside the bath, in a tub that you put inside the tank or outside,...
  • Start by placing your friend in the tub, maybe trying not to shake him  too much. With showerhead, pour WARM water around the body starting from the bottom and leaving the head dry. Only when the hair is impregnated with water, proceed with washing.
  • Soap up thoroughly the coat of the dog, the spaces between the toes, tail and belly. Take advantage of this time to thoroughly check the condition of the hair and skin (dull coat, skin without hair, abundant hair loss,...) and if you find there is something wrong, talk to the vet!
  • Rinse thoroughly the coat of your dog, taking care to remove all traces of shampoo from the hair. BE CAREFUL not to get water in his eyes or ears!
  • Now switch to cleaning his head. Dogs do not particularly like water directly on the face, then with a little bit of shampoo, gently cleanse the head and neck using the sponge, and rinse thoroughly (always paying attention to his eyes and ears).
  • Keep in mind that nothing in the world is friendlier than a wet dog, so wipe him with a towel and apply any products for the luster of the hair before drying with an hair dryer. If the weather permits, you can prefer to take a walk in the sun rather than "traumatize" your dog with an hair dryer. But if you have no other choice, get an appetizing morsels to use as a reward when he is quiet. Pay particular attention to the area of the tail and neck, but ALWAYS keep the hair dryer at a minimum distance of 20 cm to not burn the dog.
If you realize that during the whole process your dog is very scared, consider taking him to a professional groomer. You will avoid to stress yourself and to traumatize him. The result will be perfect.


If your dog smells or he is dirty, but it doesn't seem to be the case to give him a real bath, you can use this method to clean up its mantle surface in a natural way and remove the smell.

You will need:
  • A sponge
  • A tub
  • White wine vinegar
  • A towel
Prepare a solution of warm water and white vinegar (with Zelda I use one part vinegar to five parts water), soak the sponge with this solution. Now, using the well wrung sponge, cleanse the mantle of the animal until the dirt and the smell will be gone. Dry rub gently.
The hair is shiny and I assure you that the smell fades completely.
Try it!

giovedì 13 settembre 2012

Biscotti per cani - Dog Cookies

Ikea cutters - 5.99 €

Yes, I finally succumbed to temptation and I prepared homemade cookies for Zelda. All those that I used to bought contain corn or corn oil, and in this period of food intolerances, I want to be absolutely certain of the foods that Zelda puts in her mouth.
So, I armed myself with a lot of patience (I'm hopeless at the kitchen!), I bought the cutters (strictly Ikea!) and I started to mess around with the ingredients.
Here's what I've done...


  • 1 cup of bran
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons sesame
  • 1 apple
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • water as needed


  • Mix bran in a blender until a coarse flour
  • Peel and grate the apple until you get a thick gruel
  • Mix all the ingredients together until you get a smooth and homogeneous ball
  • Roll out the dough until 4/5 mm thick
  • Cut the dough
  • Put the cookies on a baking pan covered with parchment paper
  • Bake at 150°C for 45 minutes
  • After baking, let the cookies cool in the oven until the next morning. The biscuits will thus become very hard, suitable for cleaning the teeth of your dog

I have to say that Zelda has much enjoyed my new recipe, she has been in the contemplation of the oven all the time.

The fact remains: I am an amateur cook! So, I smeared with egg all I could get dirty...
And while Zelda isn't a reliable taster (if she could, she would eat the legs of the table!), even Pluto, Paco and Tecla at the park have very much appreciated my cookies!

mercoledì 12 settembre 2012

Zelda viaggia in treno - Zelda travels by train

I still remember the first time I saw a French Bulldog. It was Sunday and I was at Milan Central Station to catch the train and go to Turin. Since I did the same route every week, I knew that the first cars were full and the last empty. So, as I walked to get the car further away, I glanced at the seats crammed with people and I saw a little black monster with huge ears sitting on the lap of a guy. I thought, "God that bad! How can you get a dog like that?" and at the exact moment when I finally reached my seat, I was already in love with that little monster looking at me with his head tilted.

From that Sunday, it was an obsession. I really wanted a dog and I really wanted a small Frenchie. The problem was that I looked like the only one to desire it so much. After nine months of insistent drilled head, my dad, exhausted, finally succumbed, and April 6, 2012, Zelda has become part of my life. Already after 2 hours I had she into my arms, I began to wonder how I had done for 22 years without her.

Unfortunately for my baby, I live in Milan but I attend the University in Turin and then every weekend we back and forth on the train.
I thought it was an impossible task, however with the right organization, we became able to also handle this.
Here's what you need:

Trixie Trolley Elegance - 60/75 euros
  • A dog registration certificate (or dog "passport" for travellers from outside Italy) because if you are surprised without it, the fine is expensive and  you are forced to get off at the first stop.
  • A cage 70x30x50 is not necessary, but if your 4-legged friend is fitted with, he is admitted free both the first and the second class of all classes of trains (the one in the picture is ours).
  • In the event that your friend is not a small size, it is still permitted to get on on a large number of trains with muzzle and leash and paying the ticket price reduced by 50% (please refer to the Trenitalia site to check on what specific trains whether or not your dog is permitted).
Bottle - 2/16 euros
  • It would be appropriate to also bring fresh water, because as far as I am sorry to say, the air conditioning on the trains is ALWAYS BROKEN. For Zelda, I opted for a simple bottle resealable you can easily find in all pet stores. They come in various sizes and colors.
  • An emergency kit, because if you take a train, you go somewhere and the dog may not always be well. In our kit, there is a thermometer, anti-vomiting drops, a tablet for gastro-intestinal absorption (you never know when things can pick you up!), a couple of antibiotic tablets, vials of saline and a vial of lactic acid bacteria. Unfortunately, not all pharmacies have the necessary medicines at home, and often you need to book them and wait for them to arrive.
Travel set - 10/15 euros
  • A bowl and a little of kibbles to allow your friend to have a snack just arrived at your destination. In the market there are some very funny combinations that allow you to easily carry bowls and kibble.
  • An hygienic mat, especially if your dog is still a puppy and you are going to hold him on your lap (during the first travels with Zelda I did so, paying the ticket of course!).
  • A toy to entertain the dog at least in the first few minutes of the trip. Dogs tend to not like to travel a lot and soon they fall asleep, but at least in the first few minutes, something familiar will definitely be useful to help him "settle"!

    venerdì 7 settembre 2012

    Parliamo di... Crocchette! - Let's talk about... Kibbles!

    Like many other unfortunate dog owners, I had to let my dog try ​​a variety of kibble before finding the right one for us (and I'm not sure we found them).
    First of all, let me explain step by step what pushed me to always seek new kibbles, different kibbles, better kibbles.

    From an early age, Zelda has always scratches herself a lot on the back and on the area of the eyes and muzzle. Once we knew that it was not fleas, it has been suggested food intolerance. As you know, the meat that we eat every day comes from factory farms, where animals are pumped full of antibiotics and vaccines to "fatten" earlier. Generally, a chicken we eat from one of these farms is about 35 days, practically a puppy. When we ingest chicken or turkey, of course, we also ingest antibiotics and vaccines that, fortunately, don't have any negative effect in the short term on us. But on our animals they have, especially those a bit too delicate like Zelda. In most of dogs' food, there is just dry chicken and turkey as the main form of protein. What happened to Zelda for months, before disposing of all the chicken kibbles that had eaten, was throwing up after every meal.

    I think it is important to choose only quality dog food for our friends, even better if from your own Country and from animals that have not undergone intensive farming.

    In detail, just got home, Zelda ate the kibbles that the breeder had used, ie specific kibbles for French Bulldog by Royal Canin. She basically fasted until I changed them. She used to eat 6 kibbles per day and just because I fed her with my hands. There is also to say that the very particular form in my opinion is not suitable for puppies of 2 months old, too big and "edgy". Not recommended!

    In desperation because my baby of 1.8 kg was not eating, I ran to the pet store looking for something different to try. Fortunately, just arrived, I realized that the store was full of stands of Eukanuba and a very kind girl filled me with samples of dry food for puppies that Zelda has literally worshiped! Right size, tasty... Seemed perfect! Too bad that after a few days Zelda has begun to spew after every meal!

    So, I brought again my little baby to the vet, who advised us specific kibbles for intestinal problems by Hill's, the i/d which in theory should reduce the regurgitation of Zelda after the meal. At the fourth package, I still had not noticed any improvement so I decided to document elsewhere. Speaking with many owners of Frenchies but especially English Bulldogs (certainly more experienced than me), I realized that Zelda was probably just allergic to the chicken, so I decided to "throw" ourselves on other kind of meat.

    It was just like this that we discovered Trainer and we both fell in love with it. Unfortunately, the specific line for puppies is really not supplied, the croquettes are or duck or fish, while the line for adults, in addition to having different types of meat such as horse, lamb or rabbit, is also broken down into the various problems of the dog (overweight dogs, anorexic dogs, heart problems, etc.). Since Zelda did not seem to appreciate particularly the seafood, we opted just for the duck kibbles. Zelda has stopped being sick after every meal, but it has not stopped scratching, and indeed, the itching seemed to grow more intense.

    The search for the perfect kibble has become really hard, we tried again and again with more and more brands without the itching would stop. Zelda scratched more and more under the chin, around the eyes and into the ears. We tried the Extra Dry Food, both rabbit and pig without getting the slightest result (really expensive kibbles with a really bad packaging! What sense does the cardboard box around the classic aluminum bag have? Just to produce other waste?) and from the new line of kibble Natursan we tried both horse and trout. But even with these the itching hasn't stopped (I am sorry, but I couldn't find the English sites).
    When we realized that these were not even beginning to produce the desired effect, we went back to Trainer, this time opting for the fish line.
    After that, the surprise: a beautiful purple patch without hair right in the middle of the back between the shoulder blades! Another visit to the  veterinary (We are always to the vet!) and the good news: dermatitis!
    As it is a very recent thing, we don't know from what has been caused, but it is highly likely that it is a food intolerance.
    Armed with good will, we got to read all the ingredients of all the kibbles trying to see if there was any ingredient in common  to eliminate that as well. To my surprise, the corn could be the only ingredient impeachable!

    So, with the help of many other unfortunate dogs' owners, we found anItalian kibble, no corn, using only fish caught and not farmed, created by a team of veterinarians, who until that moment I had completely snubbed: Forza 10 (=Strength 10).
    We're using it for a couple of weeks but I've already noticed small improvements... Have we found the right ones?

    PS = Many people, after hearing all this long history have asked me why I do not cook at home for Zelda. I am not even able to make a cup of coffee. The only time I tried to give her a little meat, She left it in the bowl to become dry. I would say she was very clear!

    mercoledì 5 settembre 2012

    Come prepararsi all'arrivo di un cucciolo - How to prepare yourself for the arrival of a puppy

    As for the arrival of a child, you need to prepare yourself for the arrival of a puppy, you have to know what to buy and most of all, you have to know how to deal with the new little fur ball.

    • First, it is essential to choose a name, which should be neither too short nor too long (generally the commands that you give to the dog are single syllable, then the name should have a maximum of three syllables). It is also important to remember that the dog can recognize the sound and not the words, so you need to choose a name that doesn't resemble one of the commands that you are going to teach to your puppy (Zelda hears no difference between "Zelda" and "Elda"). On the Internet there are many pages that offer suggestions for the choice of the name.
    • A comfortable bed, whether you choose to let the dog live inside or outside. With regard to indoor kennels, the choice will be very difficult, as there are of every kind: pillows, cots, wicker baskets,... The important thing is that it is comfortable and positioned in a "tactical" place. It is generally recommended to put it in a quiet place and not busy, but I have noticed that since very very young, Zelda preferred to sleep on the floor in front of the door just to monitor the house than on her warm pillow. At that point you might as well move the kennel in the living room... As regards the doghouses for the outside, it is important that they are solid and robust. You have to choose the right size, so as not to disperse heat and to allow the dog to move smoothly. It would also be appropriate to choose a removable dog-house to allow us to wash them every now and then! On the web, I saw that there are even dogshouses that are heated with the power adapter and I think this could be a great idea to protect our friend from the cold winter coming!
    • With the arrival of winter, it might be a good idea to buy a cover or a sleeping bag to keep him warm on the nights of frost.
    • Collar/harness and leash will be necessary to bring your new friend outside, although at least until vaccines completed, you need to be VERY careful where you let him smell! It is important to choose the collar or harness of correct size, to avoid that the dog is able to "escape" or that he can be strangled. As for the leash, the extending ones are not recommended until the puppy has learned to walk beside you and not five meters ahead.
    • The medallion with the name and the phone number is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, it must always be attached to the collar or harness of your puppy because it is faster to find you through that than through reading the microchip. In the market there are of all kinds: from dices within which you write manually the phone number (prices generally do not exceed € 3) to the engraved ones in metal, depicting your favorite breed, or bones, hearts , etc. (prices range from € 5 for the simplest to € 16 for those with race on).
    • A dispenser of hygienic bags to collect souvenirs of your friend, because no matter how unpleasant, in Italy if you are seen leaving droppings around, fines can be as high as € 250! Furthermore in recent years, these dispenser have been created in every shape and color, and they seem real fashion accessoriess!
    • Two bowls will be needed from the very first day to allow your new friend to eat and drink. Here, too, it is important to choose well, because both models that the materials are many (and luckily!). First of all, they must be of the right size and anti tipping. The puppy should be able to take what's inside effortlessly! There are bowls made ​​of metal and plastic, design easier or more appealing. It's important to remember, however, that the plastic deteriorates with time, while the metal, in addition to being more durable, maintains the water more fresh. In the market there are also some very funny fountains that ensure that the water remains clean and fresh (and sooner or later I will buy one for Zelda). Let us remember in this context that we must always make sure that the water bowl is full and the water inside is not dirty or frozen! There are also particularly high bowls that allow dogs with long ears (such as Cocker) to drink or eat without them falling on his face all the time.
    • In case you are expecting a little Frenchie, I recommend you to buy a mat to put under the bowls to "limit the damage" during the long process of watering (Zelda creates a real lake every time!).
    • The choice of food, at least initially, will not be yours, because every time you go to get a puppy, the breeder provides a small package of food to which the dog is used to. If you want to change the type of food, remember that the change should be done gradually in 5-7 days! It 's always good anyway talk first with your veterinarian.
    • Sanitary pads or newspapers will be used to accustom the puppy to soil where you want him to, though, from personal experience, the puppy does not distinguish a sanitary pad to a very expensive Persian carpet... So either remove all the carpets in the house, or immediately let him use the paper (although the paper does not absorb the pee but does it glide smoothly even on your floor!). There are available spray products to be used as attractants or repellents precisely suited for this purpose.
    • Spray environments, because up to three months you can not wash your new friend, who surely will not come scented! If the smell is really unbearable, you can use a cloth dampened with water and white vinegar on the coat of the puppy, but only under consent vet!
    • Some toys are useful, although the favorite sport of all puppies is sleeping! In the market there are all kinds: plastic, latex, rubber, fabric, beads, knots, buffalo bones,... The important thing is that the colors are different and maybe that they emit some funny sound. I think it's also important to get a KONG, ie a kind of hollow cone in which you can hide treats all kinds of biscuits, canned meat, pâté, etc... The game is to lick this delicacy Kong until the inside is worn out and in the meantime the mommy has gone to work or shopping and the puppy hasn't noticed anything! When the dog will become adept at this game, you can prepare a Kong and put it in the freezer so it will be more difficult to lick the content!
    • In the event that your puppy arrives in the winter, it would be good to get a coat for the cold and a poncho for the rain, especially with dogs particularly affected by temperatures as Chihuahuas. If the puppy will come in summer, however, a nice cooling pad should be taken into serious consideration, especially if you have chosen a brachycephalic breed (Bulldogs, Pug, Boxer, ...).
    • Moreover, it is almost a necessity to bring the dog in the car and therefore is well equip. You can purchase the appropriate seat belts that attach exactly like ours (I recommend to use ONLY with the harness!) Or the confortable car seats in soft fabrics and colors. 
    • At a later stage, when the puppy will be a bit bigger, you may want to arrange nibbles for training and products for the care of the hair (shampoo, conditioner, brush, ...).


    lunedì 3 settembre 2012

    Pettorina o collare? - Harness vs collar

    I have to admit that I have always been one of those people who want to see the dog with the chain around his neck because they are aesthetically more appealing, but I must also admit that I've never dreamed to bring one of my dogs with the chain on. 
    When Zelda was still only in my dreams, I spent hours and hours looking at pictures of French Bulldogs on Google and I really liked the photos of those wearing collars! On the other hand, the ones with the harness seemed ridiculous! So, when I entered the pet store to buy the first "layette" to Zelda, one of the first things that I had chosen was the collar. There were all kinds: leather, nylon, chain, choker with bows, sequins, ... 
    I immediately removed the skin for ethical reasons, flakes and sequins because my puppy was too young to be carried to the park and I removed chains because, although I still think that they are the most aesthetically beautiful, I would have left a collar like that just to play in the garden (and never be attached to a leash!). In the end I left the shop satisfied of my nice pink nylon collar (yes, I'm fixed with pink!) imagining how it would look like on my puppy.
    Unfortunately, my satisfaction was very little, because at the first walk I realized that the collar was not exactly what we needed! Zelda pulled more and more seemed to be choking. So, reluctantly, the next day I went to the pet shop to buy a harness. At the store there was only one type, the so-called X-harness, which I, ignorant and inexperienced, brought home.

    As soon as I documented and read the various damage that this harness could cause, I had a moment of loss. With the experience I then realized that maybe certain information should be taken "with a grain of salt".

    Why should you prefer harness to collar?
    • Physical reasons: the dog pulling can bring SEVERE damage to the trachea or spine, fainting, paralysis. The conductor often tends to jerk the dog (and therefore the delicate area of the neck) to draw the attention of the dog.
    • Behavioral reasons: the neck of the dog plays a vital role in the socialization (dogs usually sniff the ground to communicate with other dogs) and "controlling" this very important area we inhibit the natural behavior of our four-legged friend.

    Which harness do you have to choose?
    • X-harness: not recommended because it rubs against the blades of the dog causing the enlargement of the front legs (if the dog pulls, mind you!).
    • H-harness: most recommended because it absolutely doesn't touch the dog's legs and moves the center of gravity back (as in an emergency case it is easier to drag away your friend).

    In my humble opinion, if the dog knows how to be on a leash, you can carry around with a shoelace. Unfortunately this is not the case with me and Zelda!

    Here where we live we can't find H-harnesses but only X ones, but we found a harness that is a sort of middle ground between the two and I literally love it. We like it that much that every time it becomes too small, we buy another one!
    It's not the best for the center of gravity, but it doesn't irritate underarms and especially it doesn't peel off the hair! It is extremely easy to "pull up" Zelda when she has to go up or down from the car (link:
    Since Zelda is very rarely on a leash, this kind of harness seems really perfect because it is very easy to wear (ours are all pink of course, as you can see here: 

    Head Halter

    Finally, even if it isn't a harness, there is a "head halter", which is recommended for particularly large dogs that tend to pull on the leash. This particular collar doesn't pull dog's neck, but il pulls the face and prevent your dog to carry you around the park each time you bring him out for a walk. I've never tried it, but it is highly recommended by dog training (the first time I saw one was in the Victoria Stilwell's TV show "It's me or the dog").

    lunedì 27 agosto 2012

    Zelda va al mare - Zelda goes to the seaside

    After four months of strenuous sleep on the couch, even Zelda has decided to leave for the seaside.
    Our initial plan was to spend five days in the beautiful Positano and then, move to Puglia for two days.
    Unfortunately, nothing in this holiday went the right way, and after less than a day that we were arrived, we had to run to Barletta to my sister-in-law's house because my boyfriend had strange pains at his left arm...

    Positano is really a smoochy, relaxing and wonderful place! Perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway or families who need to relax (even though our neighbors, two young Portuguese guys, came home at 6 am!).
    However, for what we could see and ask, Positano doesn't seemed to us a pet-friendly town! Dogs are not allowed on beaches and the waiters didn't seem so glad to let us enter in their restaurants (and this has never happened in Rome).
    Looking here and there on the internet, we found that Campania is perhaps the only region of Italy that does not allow dogs on beaches, although we have heard that in Agropoli (about an hour and a half from where we were) there is a beautiful beach equipped for our furry-friends. If we had stayed longer, we would have definitely went there to have a look!

    Regarding Barletta however, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Dogs can run like mads for the beach, and they can even swim! Our friends are not allowed in the "lidi" (it is the part of the beach with facilities, but you have to pay for it), but only with the promise of keeping Zelda always in arm, we were able to let her in there too!
    The only sour note (but not only for Barletta but for many other cities of Puglia) is that this is a truly filthy city! Dog droppings, broken bottles and dirt for all roads. There aren't trash bins on the streets (and neither green areas in the suburbs).

    When as a child I was on holidays with my parents in Puglia, I remained shocked by the number of stray dogs I saw around me and I always wanted to take them all home with us.
    The fact remains, Puglia is one of my favorite regions: I love Gargano (Vieste and Peschici in particular) and especially I LOVE the sea!
    Fortunately Zelda loved it too! Just look at the pictures!

    martedì 21 agosto 2012

    La terza palpebra - Cherry Eye

    As they say, Zelda was born under an unlucky star. Even as a puppy, she has proven to be a real unfortunate: we went to the vet every Saturday, she was always sick and I've lost count of how many brands of dog food we tried in order to make her eat.

    The biggest punch, however, came at the age of four months.
    I remember that in a few days I had an exam at the university, so I was in a period of "nights". Zelda had begun to snore as usual on the bed and I was quietly sitting at my desk surrounded by my big book of modern history. At 2 am, exhausted, I get up, I go back to the bed and put myself under the covers. Like every evening, my little pig gets up to lick my face and at the exact moment I looked into her eyes, the blood froze in my veins.
    She had a strange red ball in her eye, swollen and scary and I didn't know what to do. I was not prepared. I didn't know this could happen, and most of all, I didn't know what it was.

    As it has happened for every misfortune that happened to Zelda from there to the months that followed, I did the only thing I knew to be able to do: cry.
    After about 15 minutes of crying, I picked up the phone and I called the closer Emergency Vet.

    I don't want to tell you about all the tears that I got when the veterinary told me "There is nothing to do, the dog should be operated!", I would go immediately to the operation itself.

    As I later realized during the FOUR cherry eye-surgeries that Zelda has suffered of, the procedure is quite simple, and is "almost routine" for English Bulldog and French Bulldog. I just wanted to know this before...

    I state that I AM NOT A VET, but, as a worried and apprehensive mother, I got much more out from people who were not vets.

    The third eyelid is anchored to the base of the internal cartilage. If for some reason, this cartilage is diverted, that's the third eyelid pops out. If this normally happens only in one eye, it is not uncommon this could happen over the other eye in the next few months (as we well know).
    The surgery involves the removal of cartilage and the tasking of this gland (in other words an incision in which the vet puts the red ball and then he closes all).

    The operation takes about 30 minutes, but the post-operative is quite annoying for our furry friends.

    It consists in the administration of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and eye drops, and we don't have to forget the hated Elizabethan collar!

    The bad luck wanted that 13 days after the first operation, the eye of Zelda popped out again and about a month after the second operation, popped out even the second eye.

    When I finally thought I had finished with antibiotics and eye drops, here appears a strange white coating on the right eye of Zelda (the last to be operated): an ulcer.
    The genius of the veterinary had messed up the thread of the suture that was scratching across the cornea of my poor child. Baleful wrath!